So, you have probably heard about this new up and coming social media site called Pinterest. I decided to write a Pinterest Review to find out exactly what is so Pinteresting about Pinterest. I mean, really: why are so many people flocking to Pinterest, another social bookmarking site that seems to be getting all sorts of attention lately. Here is my Pinterest review, discussing why Pinterest is so Pitneresting. Here is why you should get on board and get ahold of an invite. And why Pinning is the next social bookmarking, and how you, as a business owner, can drive all sorts of traffic and sales to your website.
You may or may not have heard, but there is a new social media site called Pinterest. Unlike other social media sites where the main focus is to build a profile, with Pinterest, the emphasis is on “pinning” pictures that interest you to your various pin boards (hence the name Pinterest). From there, you can vote up pinned pictures, or make comments. Getting started with Pinterest is easy, but getting in is not quite as simple
Here’s where it gets interesting for those who are doing marketing, and looking for a new avenue to market your products (for those who haven’t figured out some ideas already). Pinterest also has a Gifts category that is sectioned off according to price. Therefore, if you are looking to market a low, or high dollar item, then doing so on Pinterest is a possibility. Please keep in mind that spamming the site will get this feature shut down eventually, so please utilize this feature with wisdom, and some degree of moderation.
Here are some ideas of how you can use Pinterest to market your products:
— Write an article about various products that you offer under a particular price point (ex: Great Gift Ideas Under $20). Pin the pictures in the article to a pin board in your Pinterest account, and share them with others.
— Create a video teaching someone how to do something, and share the video on Pinterest. To make this idea even more powerful, you could write an article, or blog post, and include the video on the blog post, and then pin the video from the blog post to your Pinterest account.
— Take some funny pictures in your area, or neighborhood, and put the URL to your website at the bottom of the picture, and then share the picture on one of your pin boards.
Do you need a Pinterest Invite? Feel free to get in touch with me. And don’t forget to follow me, you can follow me on Pinterest as Bhartzer.